In my lengthy recording
career, some projects did not come together as hoped. In the
year 2000, I tried to get a live recording of “A Jazz Mass” a work that I wrote in 1993. The
performance was at St. David’s United Church, Calgary and used
two professional soloists, a
workshop choir from the Calgary area and 3 local sidemen. I
directed the piece from the piano. After 3 days of rehearsals,
the results were most disappointing and even with extensive
editing, the live recording was a failure and could not be commercially released.
Recently, I listened to the
recording of the rehearsal and discovered it was far superior to
the performance. So I post it as an incentive to some who might
wish to perform it. I would like to encourage more performances
of the work. (There have been 6 six of which I am aware.) The
text was adapted based on the
format in the Anglican Book of Alternative Service. Choir
members, conductors, or musicians interested in performing the
work should contact me for score and performance information.
Enjoy the recording.
Single or double click on the
title below to play it directly. To download it to your
computer right click on the selection and choose "Save as" (or
something similar depending on your computer).
Peter Dent - Composer
Aug 13/19